Vintage Lehaitre Tracked Motorcycle
First, during wars there are always a lot of innovations in all fields. One of these inventions was the Lehaitre tracked motorcycle in 1939. And the design and manufacturing was done by J. Lehaitre in Paris. Next, his name for the vehicle was a “tractor-cycle.”
Also, his main inspiration to build he tracked motorcycles was to help troops navigate rough terrain. And one unique things that the tractor-cycle could do that most vehicles couldn’t was to ride through bomb craters.
Next, Lehaitre made the motorcycle by replacing the wheels with tractor tread. Also the tractor tread bike was able reach a top speed of 25 mph. And steering works by the handlebars controlling a sideways motion on the deliver belt.
Lehaitre’s plan was to mount a machine gun on the tractor motorcycle if it was to deploy to a warzone. Although Lehaitre’s invention did not see any battles, it is a cool invention in the motorcycle world.
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