
Oyster Run Rally

by -
Date(s) 09/28/2025
Anacortes, Washington 98221
More Info Official Website
Phone 360 435 9103

The 2025 Anacortes Oyster Run Rally will be the 42 annual event. This Rally is billed as “The Largest Motorcycle Run in the Pacific Northwest.”

Next, the Anacortes Motorcycle Rally is held on the fourth Sunday in September each year and is also on LightningCustoms.com’s Major Motorcycle Rallies List.

There are some unique things about this Rally:
-First, there is no official starting point.
-Next, there is no schedule.
-And there is no required route.

In addition, the Oyster Run is free to attend. And it is family-friendly.

One of the attractions is riding in the Anacortes area. Other attractions are TBA. And of course, there will be lots of oysters!!

More details on this Washington State Rally can be found on the below URLs:


2023 Anacortes WA, Motorcycle Rally

The 2023 Oyster Run Rally in Anacortes, WA, will be the 40th annual event. As always, the Oyster Motorcycle Run will be held on the fourth Sunday in September.

Since this is the largest motorcycle run in the Pacific Northwest, the Oyster Run Rally is on LightningCustoms.com’s Major Motorcycle Events & Rallies List.

In addition to the Oysters, here are some other of the Run’s attractions:
-Tons of oysters
-Riding in the area
-Live music
-Cossacks Drill Team

Note that all events will happen in Downtown Anacortes.

Plus, it is free to attend the Run. Also, there is no starting point, schedule, or route for the Anacortes Oyster Rally; you choose your own.


2021 Anacortes Run Information

Regrettably, the Oyster Run did not happen in 2020 or 2021. This is because the city of Anacortes is not allowing significant events because of COVID-19. Below is the information on what would have been another year of the family-friendly event before the cancellation.

First, the billing for the Anacortes rally is “The Largest Motorcycle Run in the Pacific Northwest.”

The Oyster Rally is unique because it has no official start time or route. And even though the official Oyster Run is held on Sunday, many people stay for the entire weekend. Another thing that is different about the Run is that it is free! In addition, everyone is welcome to come out to this oyster rally whether you ride or not.

Finally, here’s some of what is happening at the Oyster Motorcycle Run. First, the riding in the Anacortes area is a big draw. Other attractions include live music, the Seattle Cossacks Drill Team, and the Whidbey Island Roller Girls. Last but not least, there will be tons of oysters!!

Oyster Run Video