
Hollister Independence Rally

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Date(s) 07/11/2029
649 San Benito Street
Hollister, California 95023
More Info Official Website
Phone 775-690-2035

Great news. The citizens of Hollister approved the 2023 Hollister Motorcycle Rally. And they decided that the date will be on the 4th of July weekend. But the city has not got back with the Rally promoters.

As you most likely know, over the last decade, there have been numerous challenges in holding the Hollister Rally. For example, there have been cancellations, problems with the City of Hollister, and multiple promoters.

Next, the name changed a number of years ago to the Hollister Independence Rally.

“Hollister the Birthplace of the “American Biker”

There are some notable items relating to the Hollister motorcycle rally. First, the City of Hollister is the birthplace of the “American biker.” This is because of an “incident” in 1947. Back then, some bikers had a little too much fun. But it was blown of proportion.

Notably, the incident got a lot of media attention. But there were fabrications and exaggerations. For instance, the infamous picture of a guy sitting on a motorcycle with beer bottles all around him was set up the day after the “incident.” This began the persona of a biker.

In addition, the “incident” in Hollister inspired Marlon Brando’s movie “The Wild One.” With these two items, the persona of the American biker was born.

Hollister Motorcycle Rally Information

Next, San Benito Street in downtown is the center of the Hollister Independence Rally. Some of the attractions include all of the motorcycles, live music, vendors, and more TBA.

Everyone is welcome at the Hollister biker rally. And motorcycle parking on the streets is free.

** Finally, find more motorcycle events on the LightningCustoms.com calendar.