
Bikes on the Bricks

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Date(s) 09/05/2025 - 09/07/2025
Saginaw Street
Flint, Michigan 48502
More Info Official Website

The 2025 Bikes and Bricks motorcycle events are live. But the details are TBA. Here are some of the events traditional featured attractions are below:
Sunday Bike Show
Police Competition
Police Escorted Ride
Rockabilly Pinup Contest

** Finally, you can find more motorcycle events on the LightningCustoms.com calendar.


2022 Flint Michigan Rally

As always, the Bikes on the Bricks in will happen over Labor Day. Since 2007 this has become one of the premier motorcycle events in Flint.

Just some of the events at the evet include a bike show, police skills competition, and more TBA. In addition, the proceeds from the Bikes on the Bricks motorcycle ride will go to non-profit organizations in Genesee County.

Next, to get more information go to the site at https://bikesonthebricks.com.