
Arizona Bike Week

by -
Date(s) 04/02/2025 - 04/06/2025
Host WestWorld of Scottsdale
16601 N. Pima Rd.
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
More Info Official Website
Contact Name Tracy
Phone 480-644-8191

Post by Revolution Motorcycle Marketing

The 2025 Arizona Bike Week dates are live. And this year AZBW will be turning 28. Also, this rally is on LightningCustoms.com’s Major Motorcycle Rallies List.

All of the details on the rally have not been announced. But Stone Temple Pilots, MuDvAyNe, Five Finger Death Punch, and Jackyl will be playing. We will post more details we get them.


2024 AZ Bike Week Information

The 2024 Arizona Bike Week (AZBW) will be the 27th annual motorcycle rally.

In addition to AZ Bike Week, there is another big, popular rally happening at the same time. It is Cave Creek Bike Week, which is about 15 miles away. There are a lot of people and attractions, but without high price.

Not all of the details about the 2024 Bike Week are live, but here are some of the attractions announced:
Nightly concerts
Bike shows & charity rides
Stunt shows
Charity motorcycle rides
Factory demo rides
Used bike corral
On-site RV and tent campgrounds
World-class vendors & factory demo rides

For updates on the Bike Week in Scottdale, AZ, keep checking back.


2023 AZ Bike Week Information

Again, in 2023, the Arizona Bike Week (AZBW) will be held in Scottsdale. This year’s motorcycle rally will be the 26th annual event.

Note at this time, not all of the details have been announced. But here are some of what has been announced for the 2023 Bike Week in Scottsdale, Arizona:
Bike shows
Live music by Texas Hippie Coalition, Billy Idol, Megadeath, and Staind
Stunt shows
Riding in beautiful Arizona

Finally, more details on what is going on at the Arizona Bike Week will be live as we receive the information.


2022 AZ Bike Week Information

As you know, the 2021 Arizona Bike Week was postponed until 2022. Next, the dates and some of the 2022 AZ Bike Week details are live.

First, Westworld in Scottsdale, AZ, hosts the rally. Also, this motorcycle rally is the largest in the state of Arizona. This Arizona Bike Rally is also on LightningCustoms.com’s Major Motorcycle Rallies List.

Next, what will happen at the 25th anniversary of this Bike Week? Well, first, the headlining band will be Lynyrd Sknyrd.

Now, there is the potential to have different pricing or layout. So below is the information posted before the 2021 info was live.


2021 Bike Week Info

So many rallies, including Bike Week in Arizona, may not happen at all because of Covid. In addition, this also means that there might be fewer attractions and/or more rules (just like in 2020).

Subsequently, because AZBW is happening at the end of the peak of COVID-19 in the winter, you should hold off on buying tickets (see the last paragraph). But with all that said, we are hopeful that the 2022 Arizona Bike Week will be closer to the way it was pre-Covid.

AZ Bike Week Challenges

Now, a lot of bike rallies did not happen in 2020. However, the promoters of the Bike Week in Scottsdale did jump through many government hoops to make the rally happen. That being said, there were a lot of events that did not happen at all. And there were also a lot of rules imposed by the government that the promoters had to follow.

One huge change at the 2020 AZ Bike Week was the headlining band. It went from Lynrd Skynrd to Night Ranger. There is no comparison between the two. But the promoters did what they could. In addition, Offspring did not play.

Next, there were some significant rules everyone had to follow. One was that you had to wear masks even when you were outdoors. Also, there were limits on the number of people who could be in the Bike Week Arizona. Another was attendees had to watch the concerts socially distanced corrals.

Then, between the announcement of the postponement in the spring and the finalizing of the new fall dates, there was some concern from people who bought tickets. Now, the promoters eventually refunded the money.

But there were many unhappy people who purchased Bike Week tickets who could not or could not go there. And this was because some people had already taken vacation days for the spring dates, paid for hotels, etc. But there just wasn’t much else that could be done.

Also, the price went up even though there wasn’t as much at the Arizona Bike Week. Although all of the above made tons of people unhappy, many people were grateful that AZBW still went on.

Bike Week in AZ Events

Next, with all of the past and future challenges due to COVID-19, below is what happened at this Arizona Rally before COVID-19. Noteworthy, we will update this page as we approach the 2021 Arizona Bike Week dates.

First, nationally known bands play at the Rockyard area of Westworld every night. Next, the venue is huge if you have not been to the Bike Week before. Subsequently, there is a lot of room for concerts, attractions, and vendors. Also, there is a large area for primitive camping and RVs.

Also, there are several bike shows. For instance, there is the Baddest Bagger in Arizona and BadAZ Bike Show. Plus, you can meet builders at the rally.

In addition, other big events include multiple motorcycle rides, street stunt shows, motocross stunt shows, and the Miss AZBW contest. Rounding out the AZ Bike Week events are games, contests, displays, silent auction, a motorcycle raffle, vendors, and demo rides.

Other Arizona Bikefest Notes

In addition to the rally’s attractions, the area offers some cool rides. Plus, there is the FREE Cave Creek Bike Week. And a lot is going on there. Because of these items, a good number of people opt not to go to the Bike Week venue.

Or some people go at night to see their favorite band. Subsequently, the total number of attendees does not reflect how much traffic vendors will get.

In particular, at night, vendors often see a lot of people entering the AZ Bike Week. But many people make a beeline to the area to watch the bands. So these people aren’t shopping during the motorcycle rally. Instead, they are just going directly from the entrance to the concert area.

Another challenge for vendors is that when the concerts start, attendees who come earlier watch the concerts. So, even Saturday night is not as big of a sales day as you might expect from the attendance number.

Also, the 2021 Arizona bike rally’s fees have not been announced. But we will update this page as more information is available.

Finally, with any winter 2020 or spring 2021 rally across the US, you might want to hold off on purchasing tickets. As you know, there were a lot of cancellations in 2021 – some rallies gave refunds, and others didn’t.

AZ Bike Week Videos